Portrait photography services in studio and on location

Our photography studio has professional equipment for high-quality portrait photo shoots for professional and for personal use. Experience, professionalism and a focus on client needs are our forte.
Corporate and business portrait photography:
- Quality photographic portraits: headshot, waist up and full body in photo shoot room or in external locations.
- Photographic portraits for companies, businesses, physicians, the military, lawyers, politics, executives, and in the studio or on location.
- Business portrait photos for websites, “about us” pages, annual reports and corporate needs.
- Professional photos for social network profiles.
- Photos for press kits and press offices.
- Portraits for writers and for back covers.
- Portraits for classical musicians in studio, on location and in concert.
- Corporate and personal branding headshots.
- Photos for badges.
- Photos for job applications, curriculum vitae, résumé.
- Portrait photos for casting and advertising agencies.
- Professional portraits and full body photos for flight attendants, hostesses and stewards on white or pastel blue color background.
- Photography services for the entertainment sector, talent shows and reality shows (both in the studio and live).
- Photo shoots for advertising companies, theatre, cinema, television, appearances, characters, music, dance, entertainment and musical, with the possibility for make-up and hair-styling done by a professional make-up artist or hair stylist.
Photographic portraits for personal use:
- Quality photographic portraits: headshot, waist up and full body in photo shoot room.
- Portraits for social network profiles, job applications, curriculum vitae, résumé.
- Photo profiles foe eSports and games.
- Graduation pictures and photos for college yearbooks.
- High-quality passport photos and ID photos for national and international documents (identity cards), including USA biometric passport, Green Card lottery – DV lottery, Exchange visitor (J) visas, Visa for China, Russia, e-Passports, digital passport, Visa in compliance with current laws and regulations and ICAO specifications.
- ID photos soft copy and hard copy also on matt coated paper.
- Black and white portraits.
- Family portrait photography.
- Engagement and pre-wedding photos.
- Japanese family portrait and kimono photo session.
- Photo shoots for pregnant mothers, children, couples.
- Pet photography.
Possibility to purchase vouchers – gift coupons for all occasions.
We have agreements with universities Bocconi and IULM and with Unione Confcommercio.
Special discounts also for students of Università Cattolica, Università Statale, Politecnico and all Italian and foreign universities.
Our services are also available in Lombardy, surrounding regions and Switzerland.
Photographic studio by Giuseppe Macor
Vespri Siciliani st. 12, 20146 Milan, Italy
We are outside Area C - ZTL Milano Centro